Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama vs. Bush Administration Lawyers

My best friend sent me the contents of an e-mail. It talks on what Obama is trying to do. Just read on. The e-mail stated, "Waterboarding- dumping water on top of a prisoners head causing uncomfort but not anything perminent. Used to get information from captured terrorists and to train AMERICAN soldiers! Not a form of torture! Obama looked at documents stating that laywers from the bush administration gave their opinion that waterboarding was not torture and the document proved that by using waterboarding on terrorists that contributed to 9-11 they found information that terrorists were planning an attack on california. By using tis information they stopped an attack on California that saved 10s of thousands of American lives. What obama and the democratic media everyone was that the bush administration condoned torturing terrorists. Now obama is trying to prosecute lawyers from the bush administration even though they won't be punished because they didn't break any law. All the lawyers did was state their opinion! Also there is no law against waterboarding because any smart person would know that it's not torture! Obama knew that if he only said the bush administration condoned torture and not the other parts of that document that most of America wouldn't dig any deeper and side with him, even though he lied and didn't seek the whole truth. What he's really trying to do is prosecute the people that saved over 10,000 lives in California!" Amazing right? Although it may be cruel, its effective. Would you rather have those people die? I wouldn't.... but that's just me.

Thanks for reading and thanks Bradley for sending me that e-mail!

~ James

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