Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ARM-less Pro.

Hey guys. I just wanted to inform you about the new production I joined for animating. The name is ARM-less Pro. (Pro. means production for all you obama likers. Meaning to that joke in article below.) Anyway....I believe this production has real potential. Even though there are few members, we are still going to give it our all. If you animate please contact the owner of ARM-less Pro. through their website. The picture you see is the ARM-less Pro. logo version 1. The only reason I say version 1 is because it might change in the future. Anyway, check us out. My username is JamesRocks down there if you wanna check out my profile. 
Thanks For Reading!
(Look at the Obama article below!)

Silly Obama, printing more money equals inflation!

-Sigh- The last time we had an inflation lead to World War 2. Well, why the talk about inflation? Its because everybody who voted for Obama for no good reason and didn't know anything on the issues at hand, elected him. Obama is printing more money then what we currently have in gold and silver. For those of you who don't know, each dollar bill is equal to a certain amount of gold or silver. Each bill has a value. Well what happens when you make to much money to equal a piece of gold? The value goes down. When your dollar isn't a dollar anymore, problems start to happen. Also, Obama will now have your medical records. This determines your new health insurance! You could not make a cent in your life, be so sick and ill, and with this you get to see a doctor. It might sound good; but what if you worked for a living. Yea. Those people who contribute to society. Well lets say you make good money. You are very healthy, and get little or no health insurance from this package. Once again. DOES ANYONE SEE WHATS GOING ON HERE? AMERICA IS SCREWED! AS SOON AS OBAMA PULLS OUR TROOPS FROM IRAQ, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE. TERRORISTS WILL RISE. WORLD WAR 3! A NEW DEPRESSION. DOES ANYONE SEE HOW STUPID SOME PEOPLE ARE TO GO AND ELECT SOMONE WHO IS GOING TO HURT AMERICA? SOMEBODY HELP US. ANYONE!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Space Shuttle To Launch Soon

Space Shuttle Discovery is hopefully going to launch later this week. Mission STS-119 is delivering the final set of solar arrays to the ISS (International Space Station). It is scheduled to launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This mission is carrying 7 astronauts. From the right (front row) are NASA astronauts Lee Archambault, commander, and Tony Antonelli, pilot. From the left (back row) are NASA astronauts Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata, all mission specialists. The mission will last 14 days. I wish the best of luck to all the astronauts and wish them a safe trip to and from space. 
Image Credit: NASA
Astronaut Name Credit: NASA

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My New iBook!

Hey guys. Just want to let you know that I got an iBook. For those of you not into computers or "nerd stuff" as you might say... Its an apple computer. Its used but very nice. One bad thing is it doesn't have the airport card, A.K.A. the wi-fi card. Without wi-fi I can't do much with it. I'm using it for music at the moment. If anybody wants to give me $40 to buy the airport card I will be very happy. 
If anyone wants to know anything about it, here it is...
Mac OS X Tiger
500 MHz PowerPC G3
128 MB memory
10 GB Hard Disk
Thanks for caring enough to read through!

Weird Ways To Die In February

Anybody thinking the same? Please comment if you agree. So far we had the plane crash in Buffalo NY. The weird way to die is not so much the people on the plane dying.... its the poor person on the ground who got hit. I mean.... that could ruin your whole day. But seriously.... what are the odds? People get scared when they fly.... not when your home watching T.V. or something and then a plane hits you. Weird. My second story is of a lady who got killed by a chimpanzee. It ripped her apart. It killed one person and injured another. Wow. Weird way to die. But all my prayers are with anyone who is dealing with these tragedies. Anyway... sorry for the delay. Not to many good stories. Just keep checkin back.... hopefully I'll have something.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun of a Mac on your PC

Hey guys. If you have always wanted that cool dock on the Mac's, I have good news for you. I recently downloaded something called ObjectDock on to my 2002 Dell Laptop. This laptop is running Windows xp Media Center Edition. Anyway, click HERE to go to the site to download it. It's a very fun thing to have. You can drag other icons from your desktop onto it to make launching programs easier. Try it out and tell me what you think.

No GOOD blogs till later tonight

I'm heading out to columbus for lunch/dinner so I wont be able to write any good blogs. Just so nobody gets to bored, click HERE for somethin fun to do.

Good-Bye DreamWorks?

Apparently so. Today Universal dropped it. DreamWorks is in the middle of Transformers 2 at the moment. How is that gonna work? Are we gonna get Transformers 1.5? DreamWorks brought us Shrek, Blades of Glory, Tropic Thunder and many more. This whole deal is over money. Most likely, Disney will buy them out because come on, Disney could buy the world. So what are your opinions on this? Yay? Boo? Sad? Happy? This seems predictable but, I dont know. I would never have seen this comming. 
Article on DreamWorks

Friday, February 6, 2009

JamesBlog Logo? (version 1.0)

Hey guys. I designed this in my "Free" time and want to know what you think. Comment on it please!!!    If you have an idea on a design, send it to my email. 
Also, if you stop in and read, please just comment and say you were here.

Even the kids are into it

While stumbling through Google News in the Sci/Tech section, I was amazed to see an article about a 9 year-old boy named Lim Ding Wen. This kid is in 4th Grade. He developed an App for iPhone/iPod Touch called Doodle Kids. His App has over 4,000 downloads so far in its first two weeks. This kid is the youngest iPhone developer so far. Amazing right? He is also working on another App called Invader Wars.  
Here is the article.    TGD Daily
Here is the YouTube video. Lim Ding Wen

Thursday, February 5, 2009

America's Stupidity Shall Not Fail

Hey readers. I think you know that Americans are relatively stupid. Im pretty sure at least 80%-90% of americans are. Im happy to be in the small 10% that isn't. Have any of you caught on yet? Im talking about our new "Leader" Barack Obama. Lets long has he been in office? Umm.....about a month. He is closing our prison in the middle east that keeps in terrorists or anyone that has had a terrorist idea against the United States. Better yet.....he is going to bring them to America and give them drivers licenses!!! How great is he? Lets give him a big hand....or maybe our middle finger. Hey, did anyone see his inauguration? Remember when he messed up? After the whole thing was over, he re-did it behind closed doors. Meaning he might have not even have said everything. Anyway.....I'll leave off there with my Obama rant part 1 of many.  
Here is the link to the Inauguration mess-up -  

First Blog

Hey-o people of the internets. Im James and Im gonna be keepin you up to date about stuff you care about! So keep checkin back. Im most likely to write about stuff in my life, tech stuff, games, youtube, favorite stuff, and more if nobody gives me anything to talk about. So check back often. - James