Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Away once again

So i would say I suck at blogging. I tried Tumblr for my personal stuff and I will say it is easier to blog about life rather then news, but i miss doing this. I just can't push myself to keep doing news.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I need it!

So usually I get into the christmas spirit really early. Not this year. So I need some idea on how to get in the spirit. Any help?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Global Warming Hoax?!?!?!?

I never believed in "Global Warming" and always thought the media made it bigger then it was. I was amazed to find a story on some guys who hacked into the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)and stole some emails and other files that contain info that shows "Global Warming" was all a big hoax. Money. That's all it was about. Scare the people so they go and do all this stuff to stop us from heating the earth. I also found this little video that explains a little better then i can. I'm all for not trashing a planet but come on, scaring us so you can make money? Get a life.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Been A While!

Hey there everybody who reads this! It's been a while hasn't it? So much news and things I would like to talk about! ~ Theres water on the moon! ~ Obama won the nobel peace prize (ugh) ~ I got an invite to Google Wave! ~ I got a 32' LCD TV! ~ The health care bill is passing... (ugh!) ~ Windows 7 was launched! So much to say but not enough time. If you read this please drop me a message saying you stopped by. Comment or send me an email at

Sunday, August 16, 2009


While looking through some stories in the news I found one that really stood out. It was a dashboard recording of a woman getting tazed in front of her children. Not only that, the officer took the woman to the police station and left her kids unattended for 40 minutes.... watch.

Monday, July 6, 2009


The other day I was suprised to see an e-mail in my inbox from Twitter (Which I haven't used in months) It was an e-mail saying I had a new follower. Which was weird... How did they find me? This blog? Maybe. Then today I got a new e-mail saying I had another new follower. This made me actually want to update my twitter but come on... Nobody actually cares. So anyway I have been updating very little but I'm saying where I am in the world because I'm on my way to Orlando, Florida. So follow me. @James_Rocks Also subscribe to me on YouTube!!! Thanks!!! ~ James

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello Desktop!

I got a new desktop computer. I keep gettin new stuff don't I? Anyway.... Here are the specs.
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 40 GB Hard Drive
  • 2.66 GHz Proccessor
  • DELL
  • Came from eBay for $90.

What a deal.

Thanks for reading!

~ James

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Good-Bye iBook

I sold my iBook. By far a great move on my part. That thing was a horrible experience. If you think you might like Mac's, dont buy an iBook. OS X Tiger sucks. It sometimes doesn't start up on the first try. Things are hard to find and work with. The one button clicking tool sucks!!! You can barely figure out how to save pictures with that. It couldn't play videos (but that might be my problem) So if you might want to get a Mac... don't get an iBook. If price is a problem for you... go with a PC. Windows is a great operating system (not vista though..... vista is bad. Click here for more on why.) Thanks for reading! ~ James

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bing... A jamesblog Review

Bing is here. I've spent a while on the site looking to see my likes and dislikes. Bing looks pretty promising and I will be using often now to see how well it is for everyday use. Here are some of my likes and dislikes. Likes:
  • T.V. shows - unlike Google who hides there T.V. viewing page... (yes Google has T.V. It's called Google T.V. You need to be special to get in.) Bing just comes out and says, "Here are some shows. Ta Da!" Which is nice.
  • xRank - this shows you what Bing users are searching the most. A pretty cool feature. Shows you top searched over all, musicians, celebrities, etc.
  • Local - shows you local business's and stuff around you. A great feature for finding something new to do.
  • Searching - has to be my favorite part. Bing doesn't just give you a site, it gives you everything. I searched Applebees and it showed me resteraunts near me, nutrition facts, recipes, franchise, etc. By far a great move on Microsoft's part.
  • Easter eggs - in other words hidden stuff. When you scroll over the picture you find small squares which tell you about that place.


  • Looks a lot like Google....
  • Doesn't have as many features (but it's brand new... cut it some slack James...)
  • Says stuff for Live Search and MSN.... kinda dumb if you ask me.

well check out and tell me what you think!


~ James

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Most people know what Google is. Most people know what Microsoft/Windows Live Search is. Microsoft doesn't relly like how Google is the practically the ultimate search engine. That's were Bing comes in. Microsoft is releasing a new browser sometime in the future. I want to tell you all about it but I'm just going to give you the link to the site. From there you can watch a video about it and learn more. Also if you have noticed I changed my header to a Windows picture. I did this because Mac's are really starting to bother me lately. Tell me what you think by commenting or sending me an e-mail. Click here to visit the Bing website.
~ James

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Be My Hero...

Be this guy who was driving.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The New Apple Tablet

Have you heard of Apples next big thing? The Apple Tablet? If not then let me tell you about it. Its a new handheld touchscreen Mac. Impressive right? This will be much better then netbooks but at a little more of the cost of some like the eeepc. Apple will most likely shoot for $700 for it. Is it worth it? It's all about if you want portability and if you like Mac's. I personally do not considering my iBook is very bad at times and a little harder to get use to the whole OS X Tiger. Leopard may be easier to use but i dont know considering I will probably never buy one considering the price. I prefer XP personally but again... all opinion. If you wanna read more, click here. Although this isn't available to purchase right now, it should sell pretty well.
Thanks For Reading!
~ James
(P.S. ~ Don't forget to e-mail me if you have any good stories or anything interesting!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Headed Out. Be Back Friday

I'm headed out to the U.S.A.'s capital city, Washington, DC. No blogs until I get back on Friday. Hope you all like my blog.... because there's only a handfull of people who actually read it more then once. Please tell your friends, watch my RSS, get the word out about this place. I do this in hope someone likes it. I'm guessing most people don't though. Oh well. I'll be back Friday. Click here for something to do until then. It might take until Friday to get done with it all.
~ James

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Countdown To Launch

I made this for those of you who want to know how long they have until the launch of space shuttle Atlantis for the last mission to hubble. Click here to view mine or click here for NASA's site for the launch. Thanks ~ James

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Last Mission To Hubble

The Hubble Space Telescope was first launched on April 24, 1990. Since then there have been 4 servicing missions to Hubble. On May 11, 2009, the final mission to Hubble will be made. So far, Hubble has served us 19 years providing us with a deeper look into space. We have come to see so many new sights in space. New galaxies, new nebulas, new stars, etc. Although this is going to be a new benchmark in space history, it is sort of sad. After this mission, the Hubble is predicted to last until 2014. The sad part is not that, the sad part is that it will most likely be retired. I personally think thats kind of sad. If you would like to learn more about the Hubble, click here. If you want to read a MSNBC article, click here.
~ James

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Stupidity Strikes Again!

Stupid people will never go away. They will always believe the most crazy things. Like a online web site that will tan you through your computer screen. What happens is, you go to the site, after a moment or two... your screen will change into those bars that are in tanning beds. First they are white, then blue. When you go there, you here voices saying how it works. What's funny is that this site has had over 1 million hits. People amaze me. If you would like to read an article on it click here. If you would like to visit the site that will tan you through your computer screen!!! Click here.
~ James

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Money, Cars, and Coffee

Ah money. What a wonderful/horrible thing. Ah cars. Such a great way to get from point A to point B. Ah coffee. What a great way to start your morning. Why does it matter about any of those? Well Chrysler is most likely going to go bankrupt and from my guess Starbucks is too. Chryslers tried to win over the current debt holders of their company in hope to save it. In sad news, this failed. This is bad because this means almost certain bankruptcy. Horrible right? Maybe not for you all you foreign car drivers. But for the people who like Americas and American companies, should buy an AMERICAN car. That's just my thinking though. Also, Starbucks profit fell a big 77%. Not good... because without coffee from Starbucks, the world is going to end for all those college students! Personally I don't think coffee is all that good. Its water with some beans, sugar, cream, etc. It's nasty. Well after reading this I hope I informed you on buying AMERICAN!!!!! and that with your help college kids lives won't end so soon. You can change the world, buy buying an AMERICAN car or buying coffee. Change the world, and help out the people around you. Like Chrysler, GM, Ford, Starbucks, etc.
~ James

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Do you watch, listen, or contribute to todays news? If you answered yes to any of those, you have probably heard of the swine flu. Are you scared of it? Do you know what it is? Did you know that the media is creating an epademic and trying to scare you? Did you know that it's working? Yes... I know... Swine Flu is bad. Although we have this outbreak, not many people have died from it here in the U.S.A. In Mexico, yes. Many have died from it there. It is a freaky thing. I remembered when I first time I heard of the Bird Flu. I was freaked out. The news stopped talking about it so i forgot... and moved on. That's what you should do if you're scared. Before the news started reporting on it, some people would have never heard of it and wouldn't have been scared. So go back to your happy place... back in March maybe... when you didn't hear jack about the swine flu. It's a happy place! So go back there... and move on... and get calm... and don't catch the swine flu. If you do catch it or already have it my prayers are with you. Also visit CDC. They have the stuff on Swine Flu like how to avoid it and all that good stuff.
~ James

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama vs. Bush Administration Lawyers

My best friend sent me the contents of an e-mail. It talks on what Obama is trying to do. Just read on. The e-mail stated, "Waterboarding- dumping water on top of a prisoners head causing uncomfort but not anything perminent. Used to get information from captured terrorists and to train AMERICAN soldiers! Not a form of torture! Obama looked at documents stating that laywers from the bush administration gave their opinion that waterboarding was not torture and the document proved that by using waterboarding on terrorists that contributed to 9-11 they found information that terrorists were planning an attack on california. By using tis information they stopped an attack on California that saved 10s of thousands of American lives. What obama and the democratic media everyone was that the bush administration condoned torturing terrorists. Now obama is trying to prosecute lawyers from the bush administration even though they won't be punished because they didn't break any law. All the lawyers did was state their opinion! Also there is no law against waterboarding because any smart person would know that it's not torture! Obama knew that if he only said the bush administration condoned torture and not the other parts of that document that most of America wouldn't dig any deeper and side with him, even though he lied and didn't seek the whole truth. What he's really trying to do is prosecute the people that saved over 10,000 lives in California!" Amazing right? Although it may be cruel, its effective. Would you rather have those people die? I wouldn't.... but that's just me.

Thanks for reading and thanks Bradley for sending me that e-mail!

~ James

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank You Woopra, Entre Card, and YOU!

I signed up for an account on a website named Woopra. This let's anyone see how many visitors are comming to your website, blog, etc. I submited my blog to them and then they approved it. I used the code that they gave me and thanks to blogger they let me use it as a third party application. When I started my blog I didn't have many visitors except for friends from my city. I looked on Woopra for the past couple weeks and was suprised to find people from Houston Texas, New York City New York, and other places like that. I was ultimately suprised today when I looked and found someone that visited my blog from Czech Republic... Even if this person just visited for 5 seconds..... HE'S/SHE'S FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY! Woopra doesn't promote websites it just says who's visiting but come on....they're doing one great job. I also have to thank Entre Card even though I don't know if they are doing anything for me.... Thank you anyone that comes and reads this. Thank you anyone that has found me via Twitter, Google, Blogger, etc. I just want to thank you thanks. Thanks a million!
You guys rock!
~ James

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Now Have A Mobile Laptop!

Hey guys! If you have read my blog back in....oh....February? You would know that I bought a Mac. My other laptop, (Dell) doesn't have a chargeable battery so it's not mobile.... Anyway, It now has the Airport Card installed! I now have Wi-Fi!!! I was updating everything on it this morning at 6:00 A.M. because I was so excited to have everything like iTunes 8.1.1, but when I got home at 3:00 P.M. to use it, there was an unknown error.....isn't that just sad? Oh well....I hope to have that fixed soon. Well...just thought I would share that with you all. 
Thanks for reading!
~ James
P.S. I used my Mac to write this blog!
P.S.S. Thank You John from Kitec for the help installing the Airport Card

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Re-Creating The Horror Of The Iraq War

A video game company named Atomic Games is re-creating the horror of the Iraq War by making a, you guessed it, video game about the second battle of Fallujah. The games name is Six Days In Fallujah. The game takes place in 2004 when 10,000 U.S. troops stormed the city of Fallujah, which had been held by al-Qaeda. The military is beleived to have caused 6,000 iraqi civilian deaths. This game sounds very interesting doesn't it? What makes this game unique is that most war games deal around problems that have been solved while this game deals with a war that is still going on. I hope to see what this game will be like when it is finally released. Let's hope it lives up to a good war title by providing us with a good game. For more info you can head over to Atomic Games website.
~ James

Friday, April 10, 2009

Win a $10,000 iTunes gift card, an iPod Touch, a Time Capsule and a MacBook Pro!

This is MAJOR news! Apple has decided in honor of reaching 1 BILLION app downloads, they are going to be giving away a $10,00 iTunes gift card, an iPod Touch, a Time Capsule and a MacBook Pro! All you have to do is download an app off the app store. It's that easy! It sucks for you if you don't have an iphone or iPod Touch. Good luck to all of you if you are going to participate in this! Oh! When the counter on the contest page reaches 1BILLION the contest is over! Click here to see where it's at.
~ James

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Like the Vista look but not the actual OS?

I personally like the look of vista. It has a nice up to date look and feel to it. I have tried to find a way to get my PC to have the look without changing the OS. I found a theme for XP that looks like vista and runs very well. My laptop has little RAM. If you don't know what RAM is, it's the thing on your computer that lets you run programs smootly. Anyway, I had downloaded Windows Blinds free trial off of Windows Blinds is nice if you have lots of RAM. I personally tried to use Aero which is a theme that is partially transparent. It is cool but it worked bad. Anyway, I found a site called that let me get a Vista theme that I was AMAZED didn't slow down my PC. It totally re-designs it to look like Vista. At the moment it is only available in black; but that's still cool right? Anyway, try it out if you wanna. If you want the free trial of Windows Blinds click here. *NOTE* This is only a 30 day trial. If you like it, consider buying it for $19.95!
~ James
P.S. - That is my actual desktop now.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Like YouTube? Ever want the videos?

Hey! Do you like YouTube? Did you ever want the videos off YouTube? If you answered yes to that last one, I have the program for you! It's called YouTube Downloader (Simple enough right?) All you need is the link to your favorite video on YouTube and this program! Copy your link and let it do the work for you. It also converts files! If you have a song on YouTube you want, but they don't have an MP3 for it, download the video and then find where you saved it, and convert! It's very simple! The downloader creates the files as .flv (or they do for me at least) If your to lazy to wait and convert, you can download VLC Media Player here. VLC can play pretty much every music, video file out there. You can also download YouTube Downloader here.
~ James

Monday, March 30, 2009

Want a Deal on Cool Stuff?

Hey guys! I wanted to tell you about a site that gives you great deals on some good stuff. They have Computers, Cameras, MP3 players, etc. They have good deals I would say. Most people probably haven't heard of them because they never probably thought top search Geeks into Google, Ask, Yahoo, etc. Anyway, check them out here! Most likely your going to find a good deal!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Heard of it? If you haven't, it is probably one of the newest and fastest growing social networking groups out there today. After you create an account... you update what you are doing all the time. i like it personally but some don't. If you have one, follow me!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hey guys. I have been away for a long time! I promise I'm gonna be back up to blogging. I don't know how many people actually read this but I'm still gonna blog in hope that more people start to read this. Please show this to all your friends. It might not be much but if enough people do it, hopefully I will have a large crowd.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Space Shuttle Launch Scheduled For Sunday!

Well the last time I wrote about the shuttle I was wrong about the date. It was scheduled for Wednesday night but it was delayed for 24 hours due to a leak. Now they have delayed it further; to Sunday. Hope you get to watch! Click Here to watch the shuttle launch live around 7:00 EST.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ARM-less Pro.

Hey guys. I just wanted to inform you about the new production I joined for animating. The name is ARM-less Pro. (Pro. means production for all you obama likers. Meaning to that joke in article below.) Anyway....I believe this production has real potential. Even though there are few members, we are still going to give it our all. If you animate please contact the owner of ARM-less Pro. through their website. The picture you see is the ARM-less Pro. logo version 1. The only reason I say version 1 is because it might change in the future. Anyway, check us out. My username is JamesRocks down there if you wanna check out my profile. 
Thanks For Reading!
(Look at the Obama article below!)

Silly Obama, printing more money equals inflation!

-Sigh- The last time we had an inflation lead to World War 2. Well, why the talk about inflation? Its because everybody who voted for Obama for no good reason and didn't know anything on the issues at hand, elected him. Obama is printing more money then what we currently have in gold and silver. For those of you who don't know, each dollar bill is equal to a certain amount of gold or silver. Each bill has a value. Well what happens when you make to much money to equal a piece of gold? The value goes down. When your dollar isn't a dollar anymore, problems start to happen. Also, Obama will now have your medical records. This determines your new health insurance! You could not make a cent in your life, be so sick and ill, and with this you get to see a doctor. It might sound good; but what if you worked for a living. Yea. Those people who contribute to society. Well lets say you make good money. You are very healthy, and get little or no health insurance from this package. Once again. DOES ANYONE SEE WHATS GOING ON HERE? AMERICA IS SCREWED! AS SOON AS OBAMA PULLS OUR TROOPS FROM IRAQ, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE. TERRORISTS WILL RISE. WORLD WAR 3! A NEW DEPRESSION. DOES ANYONE SEE HOW STUPID SOME PEOPLE ARE TO GO AND ELECT SOMONE WHO IS GOING TO HURT AMERICA? SOMEBODY HELP US. ANYONE!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Space Shuttle To Launch Soon

Space Shuttle Discovery is hopefully going to launch later this week. Mission STS-119 is delivering the final set of solar arrays to the ISS (International Space Station). It is scheduled to launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This mission is carrying 7 astronauts. From the right (front row) are NASA astronauts Lee Archambault, commander, and Tony Antonelli, pilot. From the left (back row) are NASA astronauts Joseph Acaba, John Phillips, Steve Swanson, Richard Arnold and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Koichi Wakata, all mission specialists. The mission will last 14 days. I wish the best of luck to all the astronauts and wish them a safe trip to and from space. 
Image Credit: NASA
Astronaut Name Credit: NASA

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My New iBook!

Hey guys. Just want to let you know that I got an iBook. For those of you not into computers or "nerd stuff" as you might say... Its an apple computer. Its used but very nice. One bad thing is it doesn't have the airport card, A.K.A. the wi-fi card. Without wi-fi I can't do much with it. I'm using it for music at the moment. If anybody wants to give me $40 to buy the airport card I will be very happy. 
If anyone wants to know anything about it, here it is...
Mac OS X Tiger
500 MHz PowerPC G3
128 MB memory
10 GB Hard Disk
Thanks for caring enough to read through!

Weird Ways To Die In February

Anybody thinking the same? Please comment if you agree. So far we had the plane crash in Buffalo NY. The weird way to die is not so much the people on the plane dying.... its the poor person on the ground who got hit. I mean.... that could ruin your whole day. But seriously.... what are the odds? People get scared when they fly.... not when your home watching T.V. or something and then a plane hits you. Weird. My second story is of a lady who got killed by a chimpanzee. It ripped her apart. It killed one person and injured another. Wow. Weird way to die. But all my prayers are with anyone who is dealing with these tragedies. Anyway... sorry for the delay. Not to many good stories. Just keep checkin back.... hopefully I'll have something.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun of a Mac on your PC

Hey guys. If you have always wanted that cool dock on the Mac's, I have good news for you. I recently downloaded something called ObjectDock on to my 2002 Dell Laptop. This laptop is running Windows xp Media Center Edition. Anyway, click HERE to go to the site to download it. It's a very fun thing to have. You can drag other icons from your desktop onto it to make launching programs easier. Try it out and tell me what you think.

No GOOD blogs till later tonight

I'm heading out to columbus for lunch/dinner so I wont be able to write any good blogs. Just so nobody gets to bored, click HERE for somethin fun to do.

Good-Bye DreamWorks?

Apparently so. Today Universal dropped it. DreamWorks is in the middle of Transformers 2 at the moment. How is that gonna work? Are we gonna get Transformers 1.5? DreamWorks brought us Shrek, Blades of Glory, Tropic Thunder and many more. This whole deal is over money. Most likely, Disney will buy them out because come on, Disney could buy the world. So what are your opinions on this? Yay? Boo? Sad? Happy? This seems predictable but, I dont know. I would never have seen this comming. 
Article on DreamWorks

Friday, February 6, 2009

JamesBlog Logo? (version 1.0)

Hey guys. I designed this in my "Free" time and want to know what you think. Comment on it please!!!    If you have an idea on a design, send it to my email. 
Also, if you stop in and read, please just comment and say you were here.

Even the kids are into it

While stumbling through Google News in the Sci/Tech section, I was amazed to see an article about a 9 year-old boy named Lim Ding Wen. This kid is in 4th Grade. He developed an App for iPhone/iPod Touch called Doodle Kids. His App has over 4,000 downloads so far in its first two weeks. This kid is the youngest iPhone developer so far. Amazing right? He is also working on another App called Invader Wars.  
Here is the article.    TGD Daily
Here is the YouTube video. Lim Ding Wen

Thursday, February 5, 2009

America's Stupidity Shall Not Fail

Hey readers. I think you know that Americans are relatively stupid. Im pretty sure at least 80%-90% of americans are. Im happy to be in the small 10% that isn't. Have any of you caught on yet? Im talking about our new "Leader" Barack Obama. Lets long has he been in office? Umm.....about a month. He is closing our prison in the middle east that keeps in terrorists or anyone that has had a terrorist idea against the United States. Better yet.....he is going to bring them to America and give them drivers licenses!!! How great is he? Lets give him a big hand....or maybe our middle finger. Hey, did anyone see his inauguration? Remember when he messed up? After the whole thing was over, he re-did it behind closed doors. Meaning he might have not even have said everything. Anyway.....I'll leave off there with my Obama rant part 1 of many.  
Here is the link to the Inauguration mess-up -  

First Blog

Hey-o people of the internets. Im James and Im gonna be keepin you up to date about stuff you care about! So keep checkin back. Im most likely to write about stuff in my life, tech stuff, games, youtube, favorite stuff, and more if nobody gives me anything to talk about. So check back often. - James